Blackboard is a powerful learning management system and can serve many purposes. With Blackboard, you can reduce the amount of time wasted handling administrative tasks such as replacing lost syllabi or course handouts. You can simply point a student to Blackboard to retrieve the most current copy of the lost document. In this post, I will provide two different ways for uploading a syllabus for your students.
There are many different ways to add a syllabus to a Blackboard course: uploading a file and using the syllabus template.
Uploading a File
One of the easiest ways to get your syllabus into your Blackboard course is to upload a file to a course folder. Here are the steps:
- Log onto Blackboard and navigate to your course.
- Ensure Edit mode is on.
- Navigate to the folder where you wish to place your syllabus.
- Select Syllabus from Build Content.
- Enter a name for your syllabus in the Name box.
- Select Use Existing File option.
- Browser your computer for your syllabus file. The file sould be a universal format type such as PDF or RTF.
- Select the file to upload and click Open.
- Click on Submit.
- Add description text if you so desire.
- Click the checkbox if you Permit Users to View this Content. This makes the file available to the students.
- Decide if you wish to Track Number of Views by clicking on the checkbox. This allows you to track the number of times students view the file.
- Decide if you wish to restrict dates when the file can be viewed. Enter dates in Select Date and Time Restrictions if you will be making the file viewable for a limited period of time.
- Click Submit.
Here is a video to demonstrate this process:
Building Syllabus in Blackboard
Another option that you have is building your syllabus and listing textbooks directly in Blackboard. Here are the steps:
- Log onto Blackboard and navigate to your course.
- Ensure Edit mode is on.
- Navigate to the folder where you wish to place your syllabus.
- Select Syllabus from Build Content.
- Enter a name for your syllabus in the Name box.
- Select Create New Syllabus option.
- Click on Submit.
- Change the headings and body text of the three sections provided.
- Decide upon a Syllabus Design by changing the options provided.
- Check the Do Not Create Lessons Shells option.
- Click the checkbox if you Permit Users to View this Content. This makes the file available to the students.
- Decide if you wish to Track Number of Views by clicking on the checkbox. This allows you to track the number of times students view the file.
- Decide if you wish to restrict dates when the file can be viewed. Enter dates in Select Date and Time Restrictions if you will be making the file viewable for a limited period of time.
- Click Submit.
- Next click OK from the lower right corner.
- If you wish to assign textbooks, select the Assign Textbook -> Search for Textbook option.
- Search for a textbook, and click on the Select button for the appropriate book.
- Decide if the book is Required or Recommended.
- Click the checkbox if you Permit Users to View this Content. This makes the textbooks available to the students.
- Decide if you wish to Track Number of Views by clicking on the checkbox. This allows you to track the number of times students view the textbooks.
- Decide if you wish to restrict dates when textbooks can be viewed. Enter dates in Select Date and Time Restrictions if you will be making the textbooks viewable for a limited period of time.
- Click Submit.
Here is a video to demonstrate this process:
If you need assistance with either of these procedures, please contact us.
[…] This article provides the steps for uploading your syllabus to Blackboard. […]