IFTTT is a way to automate processes between two services. IFTTT is short of IF THIS THEN THAT, and is pronounced ‘ift’ like gift without the ‘g’. IFTTT uses one service as a trigger such as adding a gold star to a Gmail message (THIS), and then causes an action such as adding the message to Dropbox (THAT) using a recipe.

Essential Requirements

IFTTT is a Web-based application. Typically, once you create a recipe, you can then let it run on its own.


The only equipment needed is a computer with a Web browser.


Access to IFTTT is accomplished through a Web-browser.

Learning resources information


Here are a number of great guides to help you better understand IFTTT and its capabilities.


Here are some tips on how IFTTT is used in an education environment.


Recipes for that use Evernote.

Google Calendar

Recipes for that use Google Calendar.

Marketing and PR

Recipes for marketing and PR.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a number of tips and tricks to leverage IFTTT to its fullest potential.


Recipes for Twitter.

Video Tutorials

Here are a few video tutorials to get you started.

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