Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program similar to MS Excel; however, it is primarily Internet-based. Google Sheets are saved in the cloud, specifically, in Google Drive, and can be accessed from a phone, tablet, or computer with or without an Internet connection. Google Sheets can be extended with third-party add-ons.

One of the most powerful features of Google Sheets and other Google applications is that multiple people can work on the same document at the same time. This is a huge plus for education. It is possible to share documents with anyone for viewing or editing.

You can complete common spreadsheet tasks such as displaying data with charts and graphs, format data with conditional formats, analyze data with pivot tables.

There is integration between MS Word and Google Sheets. You are able to import an Excel document, convert it to Google Sheets, and export it back to Excel. It is possible to begin a document by using a template. There is a category dedicated to students and teachers. All edits are automatically saved. Revisions are saved and it is possible to see who made a specific edit.

Essential Requirements

Google Sheets will operate on both a Mac or PC, as well as mobile devices.


The only equipment needed is a computer, smartphone, or iPad with a Web browser.


Access to Google Sheets is accomplished through a Web-browser. These are the most common browsers:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Google Sheets is accessed by going to

Learning resources information

Key Weblinks

Guides and Beginner Instructions

Here are a number of great guides to help you better understand Google Sheets and their capabilities.

Google Sheets Add-ons

Here are a number of recommended add-ons for extending Google Sheets.


Here are a number of great ideas for using Google Sheets in an education environment.

Tips and Shortcuts

Here collections of tips and shortcuts for using Google Sheets better.

Video Tutorials

Here is a collection of videos that will help you understand and use Google Sheets.

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