This page is dedicated to various tools and methods that support other teaching and learning strategies.
- Accessibility
- Badges
- Blackboard
- Blended Learning
- Blogging
- Bloom’s Taxonomy and Learning Objectives
- Canva
- Clickers
- Citation Tools
- Competence-mastery
- Creative Commons
- Diigo – Social Bookmarking
- Discussion Boards
- Document Cameras
- Evernote
- Flickr
- Game-based Learning
- Google Applications
- Google Applications
- Google Earth
- Google Maps
- Google Scholar
- Google Search
- (Social Annotation)
- Infographics
- Interactive TV
- iPad
- KWL Teaching Model
- Mind Maps
- Online Learning
- Open Educational Resources
- Periscope/Meerkat
- Podcasting
- Poll Everywhere
- PowerPoint
- Presentations
- Problem-based Learning
- QR Codes
- RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic)
- RSS – Real Simple Syndication
- Rubrics
- Screencasting
- Second Life
- Simulations
- Six Thinking Hats
- Skype
- Smart Boards
- Snapchat
- Social Learning
- Tumblr
- Universal Design for Learning
- Virtual Office Hours
- Virtual Worlds
- VoiceThread
- Wiki
- Wikipedia
- WordPress
- YouTube
- Zotero
If we are missing a topic, please send a note to Stan Skrabut at
[…] member to focus on one task until it is completed. For example, my ONE thing is to complete the Tools and Methods section for our Website. Â Reviewing the ONE Things is a good time to talk about any help they may […]