There are times when Blackboard’s Mashup tool will not work or is not appropriate because of the video you are trying to add to your course. For example, you will not be able to find private or unlist videos in the Mashup tool. However, you can embed a video into your course content. You can do this with the HTML tool. Let me show you. Continue reading
Taking Your PowerPoint Voiceovers to the Next Level
We have been receiving a lot of questions about how to create a voiceover for PowerPoint. The faculty asking want to be able to add these final products to Blackboard. I am going to take this tutorial to the next level by showing you how to do a PowerPoint voiceover, convert it to an MP4 video, upload it to YouTube, and embed it in your Blackboard Course. Hang on, it’s going to be an exciting ride.
GoVideo: Send Video Feedback for Increased Engagement
Note: This product has been renamed to VidYard GoVideo.
According to Joey Coleman, creating and sending video messages are a great way to increase engagement and relations. Videos are also a great way to provide student feedback. It is quite easy to send video feedback with this new tool I found called ViewedIt. Continue reading
Quest #3: Become a Movie Star!
Time to become a movie star! Well, maybe not on the big screen, but in the big screen of your students’ eyes. To receive the Movie Star badge, you must create a short video welcoming your students to your class. This quest will be open from 27 July-2 August. Continue reading
Cool Ed Tech Tools!
Recently I was invited to attend a technology workshop for language teachers. Now mind you, I am not a language teacher – but seeing as I support faculty who are language teachers; I felt it behooved me to attend. Boy, am I glad I did! The workshop was led by Edwige Simon, Ph.D. of The University of Colorado at Boulder. Not only was she knowledgeable about technology relative to language education, but also provided a wealth of information that applies to diverse curricula.