How to Keep your Outlook and Google Calendars in Sync

How to keep your Outlook and Google calendars in sync

My entire world is in the cloud. So much so that I personally bought a Chromebook to see if I could solely operate in the cloud. I can. Google Apps are a staple of my system. However, at work, I need to use MS Outlook to maintain my email and calendar. Recently, I found a little program to sync my Outlook and Google calendars. This has eliminated the need to manually create calendar events in my Google calendar.

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How to Scan Docs as a PDF With Your Smartphone

How to scan docs as a PDF with your Smartphone

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to scan a document or a book excerpt to a PDF but you did not want to drive back to the campus? Or perhaps you are at home and you scribble out some notes that you want to get in your student’s hands. You can have the power of a scanner in the palm of your hands. My smartphone along with Handy Scanner helped me solve this problem. Continue reading

#SUNYCIT – Real World Intercultural Classroom Collaboration via Social Media

#SUNYCIT - Real World Intercultural Classroom Collaboration via Social Media

Social media is a powerful set of tools that I believe are underutilized in higher education. I was pleased to see a presentation of two different courses from two different campuses using social media. Anita Levine from SUNY Oneonta used Edmodo and Padlet and Sean Nixon from Ulster County Community College used Facebook. Here are their stories.  Continue reading