Zoom is a powerful platform for conducting synchronous instruction. Did you know that you can also use it to create instructional videos and screencasts? Continue reading
Taking Your PowerPoint Voiceovers to the Next Level
We have been receiving a lot of questions about how to create a voiceover for PowerPoint. The faculty asking want to be able to add these final products to Blackboard. I am going to take this tutorial to the next level by showing you how to do a PowerPoint voiceover, convert it to an MP4 video, upload it to YouTube, and embed it in your Blackboard Course. Hang on, it’s going to be an exciting ride.
On the Horizon – Microsoft Office 2016
Coming soon to a desktop near you is the latest iteration of the Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Office 2016. Skype and the Cortana digital assistant are among the Internet-connected features included in the new Office Suite and are present in both the cloud and packaged versions. Continue reading
How to Build a PowerPoint Slidedeck From a Word Document
Two weeks ago, I gave a Webinar on Improving your PowerPoint Presentations. In the presentation, I showed my method for taking content from a Beyond Bullet Points template and converting it to a PowerPoint slidedeck. In this post and video, I will outline those procedures. Continue reading
SUNY JCC Webinar: Improving Your PowerPoint Presentations
Using the lessons from Cliff Atkinson and Lynell Burmark to depart from the traditional method for creating PowerPoint presentations. Learn to create presentations that will actually facilitate learning. Continue reading