In an effort to continuously improve our online courses, JCC conducts online course quality reviews for initial courses as well as offers them for course refresh. We use a tool called OSCQR, which was built upon research focusing on successful student experiences. Continue reading
OSCQR Tip #2: Sharing Your Syllabus Multiple Ways
In addition to setting the stage at the beginning of a course with a hearty welcome and robust getting started package, you should also provide students with a detailed syllabus.
The Open SUNY COTE Quality Review rubric recommends sharing the syllabus in two ways:
- The course includes a Course Information area that deconstructs the syllabus for learners in a clear and navigable way.
- A printable syllabus is available to learners (PDF, HTML). Continue reading
OSCQR Tip #1: Welcoming Students and Getting Them Started
Setting the stage at the beginning of a course with a hearty welcome and robust getting started package helps learner success. Learners who feel included and understand what is expected of them are more likely to stick with a course. Continue reading
#SUNYCIT Session: The OSCQR Rubric from the Ground Up
During the 2015 SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, I sat in on two sessions dedicated to the Open SUNY Quality Review (OSCQR) model. The first session addressed the OSCQR rubric, and the second addressed the process. Continue reading