How Do You Just Grade Ungraded Exam Questions in Blackboard?

How Do You Just Grade Ungraded Exam Questions in Blackboard?

Are you offering exams in Blackboard? Do your exams contain a mixture of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions? Do you have to scroll through countless self-grading questions to get to the actual questions you need to grade? Well, if you do, we found an easier way. One of our faculty members wanted to know how to see only the questions he needed to grade. Keep reading and we will tell you the solution.

When it comes time to grade your test, you may have exams that partially self-grade like multiple choice questions, true/false, and possibly short answer. However, some questions require manual grading like essay questions. Here the steps for grading only those questions and bypassing all of the self-grading questions.

  1. Login to Blackboard and navigate to your course.
  2. Within the Course Management section, expand the Grade Center and select Needs Grading.

    Click on the Needs Grading link.

    Click on the Needs Grading link.

  3. Next from the drop down menu next to the Item Name, select Grade by Question.

    Click on the Grade by Question option

    Click on the Grade by Question option

  4. Change Filter Questions by Status to Needs Grading and click on the Go button.

    Change filter to Needs Grading

    Change filter to Needs Grading

  5. Click on the number under the Responses column for the question you want to grade.

    Choose the response you want to grade

    Choose the response you want to grade

  6. Click on the Edit button for the question to grade that specific response.

    Click on the Edit button to grade the response.

    Click on the Edit button to grade the response.

  7. Add a score and response as appropriate then click the Submit button.

    Add a score an comment to the exam response.

    Add a score and comment to the exam response.

  8. Navigate to the next student response and repeat the process.
  9. When done grading the question, click on the Back to Questions button and choose the next question. You will only see questions that still need grading.

This little process should help you work through all your questions very quickly. By batching to only answer a specific question at a time will save you time. Let us know what you think!

Additional Reading

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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