How to Use the Blackboard Date Management Tool

How to Use the Blackboard Date Management Tool

Are you looking for a quick way to update the dates in your course when you role the course over from one term to another? I just recently learned about a tool that will help you do this quickly. This tool is called Date Management. It can be found in the Blackboard Course Tools. Let me show you how it works.

Before you use the Date Management tool, ensure that you have copied your course into your new course shell.

To begin the process, go to Control Panel -> Course Tools -> Date Management.

Next, decide how you want to adjust the dates. You can always make further adjustments.

Note: You can only change the dates currently assigned to the item. You cannot add or delete a start, end, or due date with this tool.

Select Date Adjustment Option

You have three adjustment options to select from:

  • Use Course Start Date
  • Adjust by Number of Days
  • List All Dates for Review

Date Adjustment Options

The adjustments will affect the date types including due dates, availability, and adaptive release dates.

Use Course Start Date

When you select the Use Course Start Date option, you will be asked to enter the start date from the previous course (where the content originated) and the new course start date.Course start date option

Click on the Start button once the dates are entered.

Adjust by Number of Days

For this option, enter a number that will be added to the item’s current date.

Number of Days option

You can determine the number of days by using a date calculator. This date calculator will provide you with the number of days between two dates.

Click on the Start button once a number is entered.

List All Dates for Review

The last option will show you a list of all the dates for your review.

Just select this option and click on the Start button.

Date Management Review

Each of the Date Adjustment options will take you to the Date Management Review page where you can finalize your dates. Additionally, you will receive a summary email with the old and new dates.

On the Date Management Review page, you will see a list of all your dated items. You can sort your list by each column.

Date Management Review page

If you update your course by adding dates to an item, return to the Date Management tool and click on the Refresh button in the upper right corner to update the list.

Run Date Management Again

You can restart the process of changing dates by clicking on the Run Date Management Again button (1). It will take you back to the Select Date Adjustment Option page.

Filter Based on Item and Date Types

You may have a large list of items to review. If you prefer, you can filter your item list by item type (2) as well as a date type (3).

Once you have the list the way you want, you can then begin to update items individually or as a group.

Adjust a Group of Dates

To change the dates for multiple items, click on the checkbox to the left of each item (4) you want to adjust.

Next, click on the Adjust Dates button (5).

At the bottom of the screen, you should see an option to increase and decrease the number of days. Make your adjustment and click the Go button.

Adjust multiple pages at one time

Manually Update Dates

If you want to more precisely choose the date and time for an item, click on the “pencil” button (6) on the right end of the item.

Clicking on the date and time will enable a calendar with a sliding time bar. Make the adjustments to the date and time and select the green box with a checkmark in it. It is located on the right side of the item.

Manually adjust date and time

Wrap Up

Until I found this tool, making updates to my course was a chore. Now, I can make the updates in a matter of minutes.

Test it out when you do a course rollover. Let me know how it is working out for you.

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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