How to Scan Docs as a PDF With Your Smartphone

How to scan docs as a PDF with your Smartphone

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to scan a document or a book excerpt to a PDF but you did not want to drive back to the campus? Or perhaps you are at home and you scribble out some notes that you want to get in your student’s hands. You can have the power of a scanner in the palm of your hands. My smartphone along with Handy Scanner helped me solve this problem.

Basically, I used Handy Scanner to scan documents and book excerpts to a PDF document. Handy Scanner is a free application that converts documents to PDF. Handy Scanner allows you to scan multiple pages to a single document. With this application, you can also scan documents to JPEG files. NOTE: With the free version, you can only scan a few pages to a single file.

Once I finished scanning the document, I then sent it to Evernote, Google Drive, or my email. In Google Drive, I was able to select the exact folder where I wished to place the file. You can then link to it from Blackboard.

The simple fact I could do this without going back to my home scanner saved me a considerable amount of time. The convenience of being able to do this anywhere has made my life easier.

I would like to add that if you send the PDF to Evernote, you will be able to search the text of the PDF. Evernote does a fantastic job of making text searchable on images and PDFs. Imagine going to the library for research and taking PDF scans of books and articles with the ability to search through them at a later date.

If you want to know more about this application, feel free to contact me. I am confident to will save you time and energy.

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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