How to Easily Save Microsoft Office Documents to Google Drive

How to easily save MS Office documents to Google Drive

More and more faculty members are starting to use Google Drive for work and the classroom. One of the faculty members asked me how to easily save a file directly to their Google Drive. Here is what I discovered, and I think you will like it. 

Install Plug-in

It seems that Google has a plug-in just for this type of request. To implement this capability follow these instructions:

  1. Download and install the plug-in. Follow the instructions.
  2. You are done.

Use the Plug-in

Once the plug-in is installed, you will be able to open and save files to your Google Drive from Microsoft Office products. Here is an example using Excel:

Open a file

  1. Click on File from the menubar.
  2. Click on Open -> Google Drive Drive -> Open from Google Drive.Open a Google Drive file.
  3. Open your file.

If you are like me, you may have multiple accounts. You may have to adjust your settings to get the right account.

Access settings for Google Drive

Access settings for Google Drive

Switch to the account tab

Switch to the account tab

Sign out and choose the account your wish to use

Sign out and choose the account your wish to use

Saving Files

Saving files is similar to opening files.

  1. Click on the File menu item.
  2. Click on Save As -> Google Drive -> Save as.

    Saving a file to Google Drive

    Saving a file to Google Drive

  3. Name your file and save it.

This process will work the same for other Microsoft Applications.

Saving an Outlook Attachment

The process for Microsoft Outlook is similar.

  1. Open message with an attachment.
  2. Use the drop-down menu for attachment and select the Save to Google Drive option.Save an Outlook attachment

Inserting an Attachment to an Email

It is even easier to add an attachment to an email message. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new email message.
  2. Click on the Insert files using Drive button.
  3. Decide between Insert as Attachment and Insert as Drive link.

    Adding an attachment from Google Drive.

    Adding an attachment from Google Drive.

You now know how to save and add files to and from Google Drive using Microsoft Office applications. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Additional Reading

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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