How Do You Create an Ungraded Practice Test in Blackboard?

How Do You Create an Ungraded Practice Test in Blackboard?

Interesting question from one of our faculty members, she wanted to create an ungraded pretest. She had a collection of challenging questions she wanted her students to answer at the beginning of her course but did not want them to be penalized in terms of a grade. It took me a while to find the answer, but the solution is quite simple.

Quizzes and exams are built in a two-step process:

  1. create the quiz and add questions.
  2. Deploy the quiz as part of your course content.

You begin by creating your quiz as you normally would. Deciding if it will be a graded or ungraded test will occur in the deployment phase. Here are those steps:

For an example, I created a short quiz and named it “test test.”

1. Navigate in your Blackboard course to a place where you wish to add an assessment.

2. Select Assessments and then Test.

Deploying a test in your course

Deploying a test in your course

3. Choose your exam from Add an Existing Test section and then click the Submit button.

Choosing your test

Choosing your test

4. Update Test Information, Test Availability, Test Availability Exceptions, Due Date, Self-assessment Options, Show Test Results and Feedback to Students, and Test Presentation. Click Submit when complete.

We are interested in the Self-Assessment Options. You have some decisions to make. Primarily, do you want the test to be calculated in the grade center?

Self-assessment options

Making this change will switch between a graded and ungraded practice test.

If you have questions about creating a practice test, please contact a member of the TEI team.

Additional Reading

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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