Help! I Need Somebody

Help! I need somebody

If you know the words, sing along. Seriously, there are times when things are not working according to plan and you need assistance. I am going to let you know about the quickest ways to get assistance.

JCC Helpdesk

If you are having a problem, your very first point of contact should be the JCC Helpdesk. In many cases, the individual taking your call can help you get on track immediately. If they can’t, they will contact someone who can help you.

One important feature about the helpdesk is that they track every request for assistance. These tickets will stay open until there is a satisfactory resolution.

The helpdesk can be reached at extension 1122 or

You can find links to the JCC Helpdesk off of the following pages:

MyJCC Web Page

The link can be found on the MyJCC page.

JCC Helpdesk link from the MYCC page.

JCC Helpdesk link from the MYCC page.


The JCC Helpdesk link can also be reached from the Blackboard site.

You can find a link on the menu bar on the top of the Blackboard page.

Link to help in Blackboard.

Link to help in Blackboard.

Requesting Student Support

Cori Dunagan is the student concierge for online courses. Within each Blackboard course, there is a link “JCC Student Support” that instructors and students can use to submit any issues students may be experiencing with their online courses.

Blackboard link to JCC Student Support

Blackboard link to JCC Student Support

Routine Requests for Assistance

There are also routine requests for assistance that should not necessarily go to the JCC Helpdesk such as merging a course or requesting a distance learning room for a meeting. In those cases, we have created forms to help us capture the essential information necessary to provide you with quick service.

You can find these forms on this page. These are the forms we currently have:

Distance Learning Requests

Blackboard Requests

Makerspace Requests

Requesting Help from the TEI Team

Lastly, if you need help from a member of the TEI team (Connie, Cori, or Stan), please contact Stan Skrabut at and he will arrange to have someone follow up with you.

In all the cases listed above, if you use these methods, your request for assistance will be logged and you will receive the help you are seeking.

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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