This afternoon, we offered two workshops for the JCC community: Google Drive and Google Docs. The workshops were conducted in person from the Jamestown Campus but shared with Google Hangout on Air to the Olean campus and the rest of the world. Here is more about those workshops.
Google Drive
Are you looking for an easy way to share documents between computers or mobile devices? Or are you looking for an easy way to share documents with others? Google Drive may be the solution you are looking for. Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution. During this learning opportunity, we covered:
- Accessing Google Drive through MyJCC
- Uploading and downloading files.
- Organizing files.
- Sharing files and folders.
- Finding files shared with you.
- Managing File versions.
- Using Google Photos.
- Installing Useful plug-ins.
- Adding additional useful applications.
Additional Resources
Google Docs
Are you looking for collaborative ways to share and work on documents for your classroom? Google Docs are saved in the cloud, specifically, in Google Drive, and can be accessed from a phone, tablet, or computer with or without an Internet connection. Google Docs can be extended with third-party add-ons.
One of the most powerful features of Google Docs and other Google applications is that multiple people can work on the same document at the same time. This is a huge plus for education. It is possible to share documents with anyone for viewing or editing. During this learning opportunity, we covered learn:
- Accessing Google Docs through MyJCC
- Creating documents.
- Sharing documents.
- Collaborating on a document.
- Exporting and importing documents from other file types.
- Publishing documents to the Web.
- Managing document versions.
- Using research tools.
- Translating documents.
- Adding comments and suggested edits.
- Using the chat feature.
- Using templates.
- Using Google Voice Typing.
- Installing useful plug-ins.
- Adding additional useful applications.
Additional Resources
I hope you found the presentation useful. If you want to know more, please contact a member of the TEI team.
Additional Reading
- How to Easily Save Microsoft Office Documents to Google Drive
- Google Drive
- #SUNYCIT: Yikes! No More Ignoring Google!
- 9 Reasons Why You Should Check Out Google Slides
- Save Time Converting to Google Docs
- How to Reduce Frustration When Sharing a Google Document
- Google Docs