When you insert pictures into your Google document, you’ll want to add an “alt tag” to it. The term “ALT tag” is a common shorthand term used to refer to the ALT attribute within in the IMG tag. Any time you use an image, be sure to include an ALT tag or ALT text within the IMG tag. Doing so will provide a clear text alternative of the image for screen reader users. The “ALT tag” can help make the object accessible and provide clarification. The “ALT tag” will also help you refer to the image within the document.

Google Document ribbon with a purple arrow pointing to the Format tab.
Fortunately, Google makes it easy for you to insert an “ALT tag” for a picture. Just follow these steps:
- Select the image that you want to provide an “ALT tag“.
- Click on the Format tab, then select the Captions group
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click on the ALT Text… link
- A pop-up box will appear. Provide a Title and Description.
- Click OK

Example of an ALT Text pop-up box with Title and Description.
Connie Pilato
Connie Pilato is the Academic Technology Support Specialist for Jamestown Community College, and has more than 20 years providing technology support in various roles at the college. While her primary assignment is to support the faculty of the Cattaraugus County Campus, she is available to assist both full-time and adjunct faculty regardless of their campus location.
Among her significant previous positions, Connie served as Network Design Engineer/Central Office Equipment, and Network Design Engineer/Special Circuits at ALLTEL, a telecommunications company.
Connie holds a M.S. in Curriculum Design and Instructional Technology from University of Albany – SUNY, and a B.S. in Business (Magna Cum Laude) from SUNY Fredonia.
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how do I know if the alt tag works? I have to confirm material on course online pages to use alt text .. it works great to add as you guided however I dont know how to determine if works? thanks!
Hello Warren,
Thanks for the question. Typically, you can check for the presence of alt tags by just rolling your mouse over the image. In both Mozilla Firefox and Chrome; when you roll the mouse over the image a pop-up box appears in the lower left portion of the window or screen with the path of the file. I like to use the caption feature in conjunction with the Alt tag – it’s a visual reminder to me that I have indeed created an alt tag.
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