
The Technology-Enhanced Instruction is excited to bring to you the following courses to enhance your instruction capabilities.

Blackboard Courses

The following are standalone courses found on the SUNY JCC Blackboard site. To access the courses, first, log into Blackboard. Then return to this page and click on the course link. Finally, Click on the Enroll button found at the bottom of the left-hand menu for the course.

TEI – Quality by Design – Are students struggling in your courses? Are you finding it difficult to keep students engaged? One place to start is with the design of your course. The new TEI course, Quality by Design, will help you design better courses. Quality by Design (QbD) provides a unique opportunity for faculty to improve courses through a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of seated, online, or hybrid courses.  QbD focuses on four major topics that are a key component of any quality designed course, including:

    • Learner Support
    • Content Presentation & Accessibility
    • Interaction & Collaboration
  • Evaluation & Assessment

This course is intended for all faculty at all levels of experience with an interest in effective teaching and quality course design strategies.

TEI – Creating and Adopting Open Educational Resources and Textbooks –  If you are interested in finding, developing, and using open educational resources in your classroom, please join the technology-enhanced instruction and library teams in our 4-module online course, “Creating and Adopting Open Educational Resources and Textbooks.” In this course, we will cover:

    • Define and identify open educational resources (OER) and how open textbooks relate to OER
    • Explain what the 5 R’s are and why they are important in open education
    • Compare different types of CC licenses and apply them in a variety of contexts
  • Find and evaluate open education resources and open textbooks

Email Delivered Courses

By enrolling in these courses, you will receive a nugget of rich content delivered to your email one day at a time for the length of the course. Click on the name of the course for an enrollment form.

What is Accessibility? (AC) –  (8 days) Does the phrase “student accommodations” strike fear in your heart? Are you unsure what you need to do to make your course accessible? Do you think it will take a lot of extra work? By making your course accessible, everyone in the class can benefit from your instruction. It is easier than you think. This course is part one of a four-part series focusing on accessibility.  In this course, we will cover:

  • Universal Design and POUR
  • Online Education Initiative Course Design Rubric
  • Assistive Technology and Alternative Media
  • Alternate Media
  • Accommodations

Accessibility for Blackboard (ABC) –  (8 days) Do students have problems with the content you insert into Blackboard? You can create the world’s best course, but if students cannot use the materials you created, the course is worthless. Considering accessibility is not something you add to your course materials, it is how you build your materials. This course clearly shows you how to manipulate the tools in Blackboard to create accessible content. It is easier than you think. This course is part two of a four-part series focusing on accessibility.  In this course, we will cover:

  • Building Content Pages in Blackboard
  • Designing Accessible HTML Web Pages
  • Designing for the Visually Impaired
  • The Rich Content Editor
  • Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
  • Best Practices for Hyperlinks
  • Alternative Text for Images
  • Use of Color

Accessibility for Documents (ADC) –  (12 days) When we create documents, we think we are making them accessible, but are you sure? Are you using the right tools to format your documents such as headings, lists, and alternative text? If not, you may be preventing your readers from understanding your message. Accessibility is about how you build your documents. This course will show you how to create accessible word processing documents, presentations, and PDF files. It is easier than you think. This course is part three of a four-part series focusing on accessibility. In this course, we will cover:

  • Creating accessible documents
  • Designing and Delivering Accessible Files and Documents
  • Creating an Accessible Document
  •  Formatting Lists and Hyperlinks
  • Formatting Images and Tables
  • Checking accessibility in your documents
  • Retrofitting Your Documents
  • Creating an Accessible Presentation
  • Retrofitting your Presentations
  • Accessible PDFs

Accessibility for Video (AVC) –  (7 days) Videos can add interest and engagement for a course topic. They can help to add clarity to a topic. But have you ever watched a video and the sound was horrible? Or was the visual quality so bad that you stopped watching the video? Poorly created videos can impede learning. Your goal for adding content to your course is to aid learning, therefore, creating or using accessible videos is essential. This course will show you how to create accessible videos. It is easier than you think. This course is part four of a four-part series focusing on accessibility. In this course, we will cover:

  • Telling if your videos are perceivable and understandable
  • Hosting your videos
  • Captioning basics
  • Captioning tools
  • Adding videos to your course/page
  • Curating your own collection of videos

Humanizing Online Teaching & Learning (HOTLC) –  (24 days) The course is anchored in culturally responsive teaching and emphasizes the research that shows instructor-student interactions are integral to supporting the success of underserved online community colleges. Faculty gain knowledge of this research and have ample opportunities to experiment and develop videos to support their humanized online facilitation skills. In this course, we will cover:

  • Gain an understanding of the value of instructor-student learning partnerships, particularly when teaching diverse groups of students.
  • Explore key research findings that correlate social presence with increased engagement, satisfaction, and learning.
  • Consider the value of digital storytelling as a culturally responsive teaching practice.
  • Consider examples of humanizing strategies used by online community college instructors.
  • Experiment with digital tools that hold the potential to humanize your online class.
  • Learn to create, caption, and embed your own videos on Blackboard.

Multimedia Learning Course (MLC) – (12 days) Are the materials you are putting together for your students helping or hindering learning? Richard Mayer’s Multimedia Learning Theory demonstrates common practices we have been using in the classroom may be impeding the learning that we want to take place. In most cases, we are overwhelming our students’ ability to process our messages. This course will focus on the 12 principles of multimedia learning and address four major areas:

  • Introduction to Multimedia Learning
  • Principles for Reducing Extraneous Processing in Multimedia Learning
  • Principles for Managing Essential Processing in Multimedia Learning
  • Principles for Fostering Generative Processing in Multimedia Learning

New Hire Orientation (NHO) – (13 days) When starting to work for a new organization, one can become overwhelmed by the amount of information received during the first couple of days. We designed this course with our new faculty in mind. In this course, we slow the pace down and deliver bitesize chunks of information that you will need while part of JCC.

No Stress Start-Up Course (NSS) – (5 days) There is an overwhelming number of tasks that must be completed prior to the start of the semester. Do you want that summer feeling to last a little longer, yet don’t want to be overwhelmed with the number of tasks that must be completed prior to the start of the semester? Do you want an easy, no-stress way to get ready for the next term? This course will focus on the steps you can take in just 20 or 30 minutes a day and focuses on these areas of course prep:

  • Course Access
  • Content Preparation
  • Content Access
  • Community Building
  • Assessment and Gradebook

Creating and Adopting Open Educational Resources and Textbooks (OER) –  (16 days) If you are interested in finding, developing, and using open educational resources in your classroom, this course will help you. In this course, we will cover:

  • Open Education and Open Textbooks
  • Creative Commons Licenses
  • Find, Evaluate and Modify Open Educational Resources
  • Find, Evaluate and Modify Open Textbooks

Quality User Experience (QUE) Course – (18 days) We have created this course based on the 50 standards outlined in the Open SUNY COTE Quality Review rubric and the Quality by Design course. This course will address four major areas:

  • Learner Support
  • Content, Presentation & Accessibility
  • Interaction & Collaboration
  • Evaluation & Assessment

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Course – (14 days) This course is based on the UDL framework. UDL is a framework for building your class so that all students have the ability to succeed. It focuses on providing supports and choice for content delivery, class activities, and assessments. This course will address three major areas:

  • Principles of Representation
  • Principles of Engagement
  • Principles of Action & Expression

Open SUNY Web-based Course

Interested in Teaching Online? – an openly-licensed self-paced online course that is free of charge and open now to anyone interested in learning more about online teaching and learning. This course is designed to introduce you to teaching online – the concepts, competencies, pedagogies, and practices that are required to plan, develop, and teach an online course. Along with introducing you to these key topics, this course will showcase the perspectives of students, faculty, and instructional designers who have a wide range of experience teaching and learning online.