Blended Learning – What’s in a Name?

Blended Learning – What’s in a Name?

Just what is Blended Learning?

Blended LearningHybrid LearningFlipping the ClassroomMixed-Mode ClassroomsWeb-Enhanced InstructionTechnology-Mediated Instruction…all of these terms and more are used to reference the growing practice of integrating some sort of independent, online aspect to the traditional face-to-face course.  However, the real question is ‘What does blended learning mean to you?’.

If you are considering a move to blended learning, here are some things to think about.

  • First, establish what your definition of blended learning is.  I have included some links below that will help you flesh-out your definition.
  • Once you have done that, then determine what model or approach your blended learning class will use. How much of your face-to-face course must or should be replaced by an online component? There are many variables that will affect this number, what the content matter of the class is, the discipline and the learning objectives are just a few of the things that should be considered.
  • Also, consider what types of activities are appropriate for both the in-class and online environments.

There are many more things to think about when considering the move to Blended Learning. However, in my view, the most important factor here is the realization that you must approach the development of a blended learning course with lots of forethought and a well-organized plan to proceed.

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Connie Pilato

Connie Pilato

Connie Pilato is the Academic Technology Support Specialist for Jamestown Community College, and has more than 20 years providing technology support in various roles at the college. While her primary assignment is to support the faculty of the Cattaraugus County Campus, she is available to assist both full-time and adjunct faculty regardless of their campus location.

Among her significant previous positions, Connie served as Network Design Engineer/Central Office Equipment, and Network Design Engineer/Special Circuits at ALLTEL, a telecommunications company.

Connie holds a M.S. in Curriculum Design and Instructional Technology from University of Albany – SUNY, and a B.S. in Business (Magna Cum Laude) from SUNY Fredonia.

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