Blackboard is Not Working, What Do I Do?

Blackboard is Not Working, What Do I Do?

There are just days when things are not working according to plan. Blackboard is a complex piece of software with a lot of moving parts. If just one variable is not correct, it can appear that it is not working properly. Sometimes, you just need help.

While we encourage faculty to know as much as possible about the tools you use, we do not expect you to troubleshoot problems as a profession. There are others dedicated to the role. 

So, when you or one of your students is having a problem with Blackboard or another piece of technology, we would like to hear from you immediately. The sooner we are aware of a problem, the sooner we can start working on a solution for you.

Your first step is to contact the JCC Helpdesk. Contact the JCC Helpdesk for help with logging into JCC services like the MyJCC portal (student email), and Banner Self-service (registration, official grades, etc.)

  • 1-800-388-8557 or 716-338-1122, or campus phone ext. 1122
  • Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Email:
  • Web:

For Blackboard, you may also consider going to the Open SUNY Blackboard Help Desk.

  • 1-800-875-6269* (Toll-free within the United States)
  • 1-518-320-1889* (Direct)

* Press option 1 to reach the HelpDesk

Links for Help

You can find a link to help in many different places on the JCC Website.


There is a link on the very top of the Blackboard home page.

Blackboard Help Link

There are also help links in every Blackboard course and organization.

Bb course help links



MyJCC also has a prominent link to the JCC Help Desk in case you are stuck.

MyJCC Help Desk Link


You also have the option of contacting the TEI Team, and we will be glad to assist you.

Additional Reading

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.

Stan is Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction. He has over 20 years experience working as an instructional technologist and trainer. He has a master’s degree in computing technology in education and a doctorate in education specializing in instructional technology.

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