How accessible is your course? Are you sure? If the content in your course is not accessible, students will not be able to use it. Therefore it leads to lower retention, lower student satisfaction, and lower levels of learning. Fortunately, the new installation of Ally will help you determine if your content is accessible and offer ways for you to fix the content so it is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading
Author: Stan Skrabut, Ed.D.
How to Convert a PDF to a Google Doc
What do you do when you have a PDF that is non-accessible? There is a chance that a document you scan to PDF is not accessible. You may also come across a PDF that you want to use for your course that is not accessible. The problem is your students may not be able to read it, thus it is worthless as a learning aid. However, you can still get a usable document. Continue reading
How to Record a Screencast with Zoom
Zoom is a powerful platform for conducting synchronous instruction. Did you know that you can also use it to create instructional videos and screencasts? Continue reading
How to Clean Up a YouTube Closed-Caption
Youtube does a great job of creating a closed caption when you upload a video. However, closed-caption is not perfect. You may have to do some cleanup and repost it. Here is a strategy that I use. Continue reading
How to Use the Blackboard Date Management Tool
Are you looking for a quick way to update the dates in your course when you role the course over from one term to another? I just recently learned about a tool that will help you do this quickly. This tool is called Date Management. It can be found in the Blackboard Course Tools. Let me show you how it works. Continue reading