Adding Captions to Your MS Word 2013 Document

Adding Captions to Your MS Word 2013 Document

Did you know that you can easily insert captions in a Word 2013 document?

Ribbon location of the caption option in MS Word 2013

Ribbon location of the caption option in MS Word 2013

When you insert tables, pictures and other objects in your Word 2013 document, you’ll want to add captions to it. The caption can help make the object accessible and provide clarification. The caption will also help you refer to the object within the document.

Fortunately, Word makes it easy for you to insert a caption for your table or picture. Just follow these steps:

  1.  Select the object where you want to provide a caption
  2. Click on the References tab, then select the Captions group
  3. Click on the Insert Caption icon
  4. In the Label box, select the type of label type   [Note:  Word provides default labels of Equation, Figure, and Table; but you can add additional labels as needed!]
  5. In the Position box, specify the placement of the label
  6. In the Caption box, insert any additional information
  7. Click OK

The caption is inserted as a field. This means the numbering will update automatically. This simplifies things if you need to rearrange your document.

Additional Reading

Connie Pilato

Connie Pilato

Connie Pilato is the Academic Technology Support Specialist for Jamestown Community College, and has more than 20 years providing technology support in various roles at the college. While her primary assignment is to support the faculty of the Cattaraugus County Campus, she is available to assist both full-time and adjunct faculty regardless of their campus location.

Among her significant previous positions, Connie served as Network Design Engineer/Central Office Equipment, and Network Design Engineer/Special Circuits at ALLTEL, a telecommunications company.

Connie holds a M.S. in Curriculum Design and Instructional Technology from University of Albany – SUNY, and a B.S. in Business (Magna Cum Laude) from SUNY Fredonia.

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